Follow the EthStorage official tutorial
The EthStorage tutorial is really professional and easy-to-follow for both beginners and experts.
Highlight of the steps
Prepare machine
CPU: 4 cores and 8 threads
Disk: 550GB
OS: Ubuntu 20+
Despite the above minimum requirement, I prepare a 16 core CPU, 32GB RAM, 1TB NVMe and Ubuntu 22 machine.
Prepare miner and signer accounts
miner account is to receive reward. It is the address you input in the form.
signer account is to provider fees to transaction, can be used by more than one nodes.
Request test ETH for signer
Prepare RPC
BlockPI: execution layer endpoint
QuickNode: beacon endpoint
Install docker
Run es-node container
There are 3 methods to run this node. Docker is the easiest way if you're familiar with it.
Check sync status
CPU usage is 99.9% during data sync phase.
Progress=5% after the first 40 minutes. Usually such progress is fast at the beginning and will become slower. I assume this needs at least 1 day.
There are two parameters to speed up the data sync phase.
Last updated