These are steps to setup nym-node using the new all in one binary.
Step 1: Preparation
# export node namemonikor=AnyNodes# prepare workspacemkidr-p~/nymcdnym# download pre-compiled nym-node binary, not nym-mixnodewget Init nodenym-noderun--id $monikor --init-only--modemixnode--verloc-bind-address0.0.0.0:1790--public-ips"$(curl-4"# After Init, some node information can be configured in these .toml filesnano~/.nym/nym-nodes/$monikor/config/config.tomlnano~/.nym/nym-nodes/$monikor/description.toml# Try to run the node, if it can start wellnym-noderun--id $monikor --deny-init--modemixnode# if it can start well, Ctrl+C to close it. We will run it as a Service
Step 2: Run nym-node as a service
# export node namemonikor=AnyNodes# Create service filesudotee/etc/systemd/system/nym-node.service>/dev/null<<EOL[Unit]Description=Nym NodeStartLimitInterval=350StartLimitBurst=10[Service]User=$USERExecStart=$HOME/nym/nym-node run --id $monikor --deny-init --mode mixnodeRestart=on-failureRestartSec=30LimitNOFILE=65535KillSignal=SIGINT[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.targetEOLsystemctldaemon-reloadsystemctlenablenym-node.serviceservicenym-nodestartjournalctl-unym-node-f
Note: please make sure you followed the above the guide to setup node and run it as a service, otherwise the upgrade procedure is different.
# Go to nym workspacecd~/nym# download the latest nym-node binary from github: restart serviceservicenym-noderestartservicenym-nodestatus